Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog 7: Photography

I have always enjoyed photography. My mother has always had a camera in front of her face at every track meet, band performance, birthdays and significant points in life. Almost all of my life can be documented through pictures. Her passion for photos has influenced me in many ways. She is her happiest when she can capture significant points in our lives and when we go on vacation. She takes exquisite photos of nature and gets angles that enhance and present certain aspects in appositive and wonderful ways. I enjoy seeing the different ways objects can be viewed and presented through the lens of a camera. I have messed around with different viewpoints and shots of an object. My friends and I always take random pictures while we hang out.
My experience with photography includes yearbook class in high school. I was more involved with the photography portion in the yearbook class and many of my photos were published in our yearly books. I enjoyed playing with the different settings so that I could shoot different forms of photography. I have used Photoshop to alter, and fix, aspects of my pictures. I find photography very interesting and hope to have it become a hobby when I get more time.
I currently have a roommate who is hoping to be a photographer. We talk about the various angles and that look the best and I look over some of her pictures. She tells me the different types of shots and terminology she uses in her class. Like my mother, she has a more professional styled camera that allows for a higher quality picture. It is interesting to find the different forms and styles that can be used by people to express themselves through photography. This form of communication is not just a bunch of pictures; it can be altered to have different meanings and allow photographers more opportunity for expression.

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