Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WP3: pre-write #1

In regards to artwork and sculptures, I have very little experience. Though I have no experience, I do enjoy going to museums or looking at sculptures I see on vacations. Unfortunately, prior to this project I have not taken into consideration the rhetorical aspects of them or the purpose of its shape or color.

Throughout my life I have been taken to museums that show peoples artwork from the distant past to present. My grandfather has a passion for history not only in text books but seeing tangible evidence of things in the past. Like my grandfather, I was always interested in each art piece and respected, and sometimes envied their skill. My uncle is even an artist and musician whom I idolized for quite a long time. However as I grew older I saw him less and less. The school district I was in did not really push us towards art much either. We were required to take three art courses in middle school and needed to take one semester of either a music class or art class in high school. In concurrence to this, I also became very involved with sports and other activities with friends, church, band, and school. This made it difficult for our family to take trips or take time to visit museums with my grandfather like we used to. So as of late I have not seen or been exposed to art objects or paintings.

I was very happy to be able and think through the different aspects of Breach during class. I seemed to have a small idea of how to analyze the sculpture but I knew that I had a lot of improvement to make. I think that abstract artwork will be especially difficult for me. With my lack of exposure to art sculptures I will have to expand from just my view of the sculpture and try to think of ways others might see it. I am rather excited for this project; however I am anxious for my analysis.

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